Ash Nichole Photos

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5 Helpful Tips for Choosing Your Photography Style

Let’s Narrow This Thing Down

So… I am not sure if anyone else has this problem, but I definitely do, and that is staying consistent with my photography editing style. There are so many different styles out there and I LOVE THEM ALL!! It is next to impossible to choose what style I love as a creator but also one that will attract the most clientele. You also have to take into consideration what styles will remain timeless. You would hate for your clients to look back on their wedding portraits and think they look outdated. On many occasions, I have found myself doubting my own style because I am looking at other photographers work in the Jacksonville area. I have fallen into an Instagram black hole looking at all of the competition’s work. Eventually enough is enough though. So I decided to look at this predicament in a different way and in doing so, I came up with a list of tips to use in order to keep your style consistent.

  1. Stop viewing other photographers as competition

    Photographers are creators just like you. They are those outside the box, scatter brained messes that care about documenting the most beautiful parts of life. I know that they are good at what they do… but so are you! So do not get hung up on how their style is different than yours. Obsessing over how amazing their portraits look is not going to do anything for your own wellbeing.

  2. Think about what YOU like. Jot it down.

    Think about the interior design of your house, your outfits, your favorite colors etc, and make a list of what you like. Now compare those styles and see if you can find some similarities. I personally have a lot of neutrals in my house that are complimented by pops of blues and greens. I also love a bohemian styled room. These elements are definitely present in my current photography style. See if you can relate your favorite style to your list.

  3. Review your favs

    Look over your own work and pick out the images that you are most proud of. Now compare those and find similarities. Make a list of what you do and don’t like about each image. Once you do that, try to edit a fresh image and see if you can incorporate all the elements that you liked.

  4. Only post what matches

    Sometimes we photographers get clients who insist on a particular style. If you are comfortable with tweaking your style for a particular client, that is great! There is no reason to someone away just because their style does not match the rest of your work; however, make sure not to post those images on your instagram feed or website. Multiple styles could definitely confuse a client.

  5. Stay in your own lane!

    Try to focus on what you like about your own work. Always strive to enhance your editing skills but do not change any fundamental aspects of your editing process.

Now go create your signature look!