7 Prop Ideas for Senior Pictures | Charlotte N.C. Senior photography


Prop Ideas to Take Your Senor Session to the Next Level!

Charlotte NC Senior Portraits

Ash Nichole Photos

So props can go one of two ways during a senior session. They can take your portraits to the next level and bring them alive, or they can make your photoshoot look very staged. The trick is to always make sure that the prop is a part of the image… but not the main attraction. Also, unless you are doing a studio session, you do not need a lot of props to take an iconic photo. But, that leads to the question of, what props do I use!? Well I have created a list of seven props ideas that you can use during your senior picture sessions.

Ponte Vedra Senior Photography


Kailee - Flowers & Glass - Ash Nichole Photos (1 of 1).jpg


Kaitlyn's Metamorphosis Senior Experience (2021 Class) -47.jpg

Pixie Lights

Haylee's Metamorphosis Senior Experience Class of 2021 -39 - edited.jpg



Tennis Racket



Mia & Meg-Jacksonville-Back to School Photos-Dream Team 22-Ash Nichole Photos-08644.jpg
