5 Helpful Tips for Selecting the Right Photographer 

The photography business is one of the most oversaturated markets in the world. With the advancement of iphones and androids, everybody seems to be a photographer these days. So, why book a professional photographer, and how do you choose one that is right for you? Today, I am going to give you 5 tips to think about next time you are picking out your photographer, but first, let’s talk about why you should book a professional in the first place. 

First things first, Iphone cameras and filters are pretty advanced, but they are still very limited in what they produce. A professional grade camera is going to give a lot more depth and character to an image, not to mention a high end camera can handle many different lighting situations. Next, the resolution of an iphone pic is not good enough to be blown up and printed. If you tried to print an iphone picture, it would come out extremely blurry. Lastly, photographs are there to remember and preserve a memory or an occasion. A good photographer can and should induce a special feeling every time you see their images. With all that being said, here are 5 very helpful tips to keep in mind next time you are choosing your photographer. 

1. First, what is the occasion?

The majority of photographers will specialize in one subset of photography. There are wedding, child, and senior photographers along with many more. My first helpful hint would be to find a photographer that loves, and also specializes in whatever you want to have photographed. 

2. The next thing you need to do is narrow down what style you like.

Photography is an art and like most artists, photographers have all kinds of different styles. It could be portrait, editorial, lifestyle, fashion, or one of the many other subgenres of photography. Once you have your style picked out, you should be able to narrow down your choices quite a bit 

3. My third tip for finding the right photographer is something I like to call the “vibe check”.

Most photographers are on instagram and have websites where you can access their portfolios. Take a look through their previous work and find someone whose photos vibe with you. Who passes your vibe check? 

4. What is your price range?

Pricing varies drastically depending on style, location, and quality in the photography business. Obviously, the vast majority of us have financial limitations so the pricing matters, but I do not believe it should be the main reason for choosing a photographer. Yes, it can get fairly expensive at times, but like most things in life, if you underpay, you will most likely be underwhelmed by what you receive. It is important to remember that you are not just paying for an hour photoshoot and a few prints, you are paying to have a memory captured for the rest of time. In my experience, it’s hard to put a price on memories. 

5. Lastly, once you have it narrowed to a few photographers, it may just come down to date availability.

If you have your heart set on a particular photographer, you should book your shoot early to ensure your date is still available. Dates fill up quickly, and it is exceedingly more difficult to find a photographer last minute. So, do your homework and find the perfect fit in advance. 

Professional photographers are everywhere, and finding the right one for you is simple, just follow the tips above and I guarantee you will find the right one. Thank you for taking the time to read, and hopefully I can capture your dream moments for you!